Sioux City schools distribute more than 76,000 meals to children in less than 3 weeks

Several school districts across Siouxland began offering meals to feed the youth while schools are closed due to the pandemic.
The Sioux City Community School District has provided meals to children for nearly 3 weeks now through their Emergency COVID 19 Food Service Program.
Superintendent Paul Gausman says they have given out over 76,000 meals.
The program was originally set up to have 21 serving sites, but due to high demand there are now 27 different locations and they’re giving out about 6,000 meals a day.
Sioux City Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Paul Gausman says they run a similar meal program during the summer where they give out approximately 1500 meals a day at 15 different locations.
“I’m very thankful for our staff members, food service staff and transportation staff who are preparing those meals and getting them to the 27 locations each day to help our community get through this time,” said Gausman.
To learn more about the meal plan’s locations and times, click here.